An invitation to worship with us

Thursday 18th May is Ascension Day, when we remember the returning to heaven of our risen Lord Jesus. We will mark this at St Peter’s Church with a service of Holy Communion at 7pm. You are most welcome to join us for this service. If you are not sure, you are also welcome to come along and sit and watch with no obligation to join in. After the service, there will be refreshments served in the vestry.

Ascension Day also marks the beginning of Thy Kingdom Come when we give extra time in prayer – particularly praying for those we know who do not yet know Jesus. Our Churches will be open during the day and each evening, from Ascension Day (18 May) to the eve of Pentecost (27 May), there will be a short service of Compline (night prayer) beginning at 8.30pm in St Peter’s Church.

You can join us for Sunday worship on 21st May in Christ Church for a service of Sunday worship with communion at 11am. During this service, we will also give the opportunity for prayers for healing – either for yourself or someone else. Later, at 6pm, we will gather in St Peter’s Church for a service of Evening Prayer beginning at 6pm.

I hope you can join us. Love and blessings, Colin Resch.

An invitation to join us

Following on from a very busy coronation weekend, there’s a lot going on in our Churches this coming weekend too. I hope you will be able to join us for one or more of these Sundy services.

At Christ Church there will be a service of Sunday Worship at 11am. This service will be led by members of our Children and Families team and accessible to those of any age.

At St Peter’s Church there will be a service of Holy Communion at 9.30am. We will use the traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer accompannied by the singing of hymns. Later, at 4pm, there will be a Senior Sunday service which is open to anyone who is over sixty and living on their own. A short twenty minute service will be followed by a sandwich tea and cakes in the vestry.

I do hope you might be able to join us for worship this weekend. With love and blessings, Colin Resch.

An invitation to join us

Hello and welcome to our website – the place to find all the information you need about both Christ Church and St Peter’s Church Mountsorrel. Enjoy browsing our site and do let us know if there’s something you want to know but couldn’t find.

Also, why not join with us in worship this coming weekend. Things are slightly different this weekend because there are no morning services in either of our Church buildings. Instead, we join together with the other Churches in Mountsorrel for a special ‘Churches Together’ service which will take place at 10.30am in Mountsorrel Baptist Church at the bottom of The Green. We’d love to see you there if you can make it.

On the evening of Sunday 30 April, we will gather for a service of Evening Prayer, also known as Evensong, at St Peter’s Church from 6pm. This is a traditional service using words from the Book of Common Prayer. If you’ve never been to this service before, you would be especially welcome to join us and discover the delights of Evensong. Do introduce yourself to one of our welcome team when you arrive and they will make sure that you have everything you need to get the most out of your time with us.

Here’s your invitation

We’re glad you’ve found our website. Here you can get to know us a little bit better and discover all the good things we have planned. But we’d love to get to know you better too, so please accept this invitation to join us for worship this coming weekend.

This Sunday, 23rd April, we have two opportunities for you to join with us, first a service of Holy Communion beginning at 9.30am and suitable for people of all ages at St Peter’s Church on Market Place; secondly a service of Morning Prayer beginning at 11am in Christ Church (top of The Green). The service at Christ Church will be followed by our Annual Meeting, but please don’t let that put you off, you can always slip away quietly after coffee before the meeting begins.

If it’s your first time with us, please make yourself known to one of our welcome team and they will make sure that you have everything you need to get the most out of your time with us. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never been to Church before or if you’ve not been for quite some time – you will be assured of a warm welcome.

Easter Baptisms & Confirmations at Christ Church

Easter morning is always a reason to celebrate, but this year perhaps more than others. We were overjoyed to be welcoming six candidates for baptism and five for confirmation.

The service was presided over by Bishop Saju, the bishop of Loughborough. The candidates included two generations of one family and three generations of another.

Easter has always been a traditional day for baptisms to take place within the Church.

Some of the candidates spoke of how they came to faith and the difference that knowing God in their lives has made. They spoke of how their faith has strengthened them when they have been through, and continue to go through, times of difficulties.

May we congratulate all of our candidates and encourage you to “fight valiantly as a disciple of Christ against sin, the world and the devil and remain faithful to Christ to the end of your life.”

Bishop Martyn visits Mountsorrel

It was a delight to welcome Bishop Martyn to Mountsorrel as part of his Lent pilgrimage in which he visited some ninety churches of the diocese.

It may have been 1st April, and a delay earlier in the day meant that he was running behind schedule, but it was no April fools joke. The small group of us that met him at the parish boundary joined him on the walk along Loughborough Road to St Peter’s Church.

This was Bishop Martyn’s second visit to St Peter’s having previously attended a Senior Sunday service. In the Church, Bishop Martyn led a short time of prayer and presented the wardens with a specially printed map of his pilgrimage route centering on Mountsorrel.

The small gathering then journeyed to Christ Church where, after a cup of tea and some generous helping of cake (thank you bakers), the Bishop led us in a short act of worship.

This was Bishop Martyn’s first visit to Christ Church and we look forward to welcoming him again soon.

We’d love to meet you

We’re so glad you found our website. Now we’d love to meet you. Why not come and join us at on of our services this coming weekend – you will be assured of a warm welcome.

On Saturday 15th April, we’ve got our Muddy Church in the Orchard behind Christ Church. This begins at 4pm and takes place outdoors around a fire. There’s activities for youngsters and the chance to sit and enjoy the fire whilst toasting marshmallows. It’s Church, but not as you know it.

On Sunday 16th April, we’ve got a service of Holy Communion with prayers for healing at Christ Church from 11am. On Sunday evening, beginning at 6pm, you are invited to St Peter’s for a traditional service of Evening Prayer (also known as Evensong) led by Revd Colin Resch. The evening service at St Peter’s will be followed by the Church’s Annual Meeting – but don’t let that put you off, you can always slip away after coffee before the meeting begins.

An invitation for YOU to join us this Easter

Hi and welcome to our website. Here you can find all the information you need about our Church community here in Mountsorrel. We’d love to invite you to be a part of our Church family.

It is Easter Day this Sunday and we will be marking this in both of our Churches with services to which you and your friends and family are invited. At 9.30am, Revd Eric Whitley will be at St Peter’s Church to lead the service there. The words for the service will be taken from the Book of Common Prayer. Then, at 11am we welcome Bishop Saju, Bishop of Loughborough to lead us in our Easter Morning service at Christ Church that will include baptisms (some by full-immersion) and confirmations. This will be a joyous occasion and we would like to extend an invitation to you.

Please do join us if you can. May you know God’s blessing upon you this Easter.

This Is Holy Week

We have many services, events and activities going on this week as we journey through Holy Week and on towards our Easter celebrations. Please do take a look at our calendar to see all that we have planned.

I would particularly like to draw your attention to our Good Friday events with a service for all the family at 10am and a more contemplative service of prayers, readings and silence at 2pm. Both of these taking place at St Peter’s Church. I would encourage you to come along to either or both of these services.

I would also like to draw your attention to a very special Easter Celebration taking place at Christ Church on Easter Sunday when we welcome Bishop Saju, bishop of Loughborough to lead us in our Easter Morning service that will include baptisms (some by full-immersion) and confirmations. This will be a joyous occasion and we would like to extend our invitation to you. Please do join us if you can.

An invitation to our Palm Sunday services

We are now in a period that the Church refers to as Passiontide. Easter is drawing near and we begin to focus on the journey that Jesus took towards the Cross. This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday and on this day we think about the journey that Jesus made into Jerusalem – not like some great king or conquering emperor coming on a state visit – more subdued, humble, lowly, riding on a donkey. Still his disciples and the crowd rallied around him welcoming him by waving palm branches and shouting, ‘Hosanna!’

Join us for our services this Palm Sunday to journey back in time and travel, with Jesus, the road to Jerusalem. There will be services of Holy Communion in both of our Churches on Sunday 2nd April: 9.30am at St Peter’s Church, and 11am at Christ Church.

At 4pm, we will have our regular ‘Fun@4’ at Christ Church with activities for all the family and a separate stream for youth.

We’d love to see you at any or all of these services as we journey with Jesus towards our Easter celebrations. God bless.

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