Children & Families

Welcome to our Children & Families page. Alison and Linda head up our children & families work and we have various activities happening throughout each month for families with children from 0-12 years.


We would be delighted to meet you at any of our activities so do come along and try us out!

For more information about any of our regular activities or speciel events please click on the images below.

Monday 9:30 – 11:30am in Term Time
These sessions run twice a year for 5 weeks each time
Starting Rite also runs twice a year for parents with babies up to 1 year. These 5 sessions usually run as a continuation of Beyond the Bump post-natal support cafe
4th weekend of each month, on Saturday at 4pm
Our Work in School

Special Events

Across the year we have a number of one off events for Children and Families.

Check out our calendar for what we have planned

For more information about any of our children and family activities please message us using the form here