An invitation to our Palm Sunday services
We are now in a period that the Church refers to as Passiontide. Easter is drawing near and we begin to focus on the journey that Jesus took towards the Cross. This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday and on this day we think about the journey that Jesus made into Jerusalem – not like some great king or conquering emperor coming on a state visit – more subdued, humble, lowly, riding on a donkey. Still his disciples and the crowd rallied around him welcoming him by waving palm branches and shouting, ‘Hosanna!’
Join us for our services this Palm Sunday to journey back in time and travel, with Jesus, the road to Jerusalem. There will be services of Holy Communion in both of our Churches on Sunday 2nd April: 9.30am at St Peter’s Church, and 11am at Christ Church.
At 4pm, we will have our regular ‘Fun@4’ at Christ Church with activities for all the family and a separate stream for youth.
We’d love to see you at any or all of these services as we journey with Jesus towards our Easter celebrations. God bless.