An invitation for you…
Welcome to our website. We’d like to thank you for popping by and take this opportunity to invite you to join us for our public worship services in the coming days. They are open to all and all are welcome.
Our gathered worship is a key expression of our love for God and we believe that when we gather together, Jesus is with us and among us. This coming Sunday, 9th February, there will be services in both of our Churches and you will be most welcome to join with us – even if you’ve never been to our Church before.
Christ Church
Our Sunday Worship begins at 11am and is suitable for the whole family. Tea/Coffee will be served free of charge throughout the service which makes this a relaxing way to give our worship to God. The service will be led by our Youth Worker, Kat Jenkins and we hope you will be able to join us. Our Bible reading for the service will be Luke 5.1-11 – the calling of the first disciples.
St Peter’s Church
At St Peter’s, we have a traditional service of Holy Communion (sharing of bread and wine) with liturgy taken from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. This service begins at 9.30am and will last for about an hour. The service will be led by Revd Colin Resch who will also be preaching from our Bible readings which are 1 Corinthians 15.1-11 and Luke 5.1-11.
We return later at 4pm for a special service for seniors followed by afternoon tea.