Lent Fundraising Project 2025

This year, Ash Wednesday falls on 5 March and marks the beginning of Lent and our preparations for Easter. Traditionally, the forty days of Lent have been times of self-examination, penitence, self-denial, study, and preparation for Easter. These echo the forty days that Jesus fasted in the wilderness before he began his public ministry. During Lent, Christians often ‘give up’ something and donate the time doing that thing to prayer, and the money saved to charity. This year, we would like to encourage you to join us in fundraising for a new classroom.

One of the mission partners supported by Christ Church is the Church Mission Society and, in particular, the work of Simon & Sarah Cawdell who used to work alongside me in Bridgnorth but are now working in Gulu, Uganda. When we sent our most recent donation to them, we heard the news that they wanted to build a new classroom and were going to use the money we sent to help dig the foundations. In the meantime, they were going to begin making mud bricks – about five thousand of them. I would like us – Church & School together – to focus our Lent fundraising on supporting their work in building and equipping this classroom.

I would like to encourage you to raise as much money as you can to give to this cause. Maybe bake some cakes and invite your neighbours to a coffee morning where they can donate; maybe craft something to sell to others and donate the income; perhaps do a sponsored walk/cycle/silence/etc. and raise some money that way; or simply give a portion of your own income.

You can donate your money online by clicking the link below or by scanning the QR code here. We will keep track of our fundraising by building a paper-brick wall in each Church and at the school. For every £5 raised, another brick will be placed in the wall.

Can we raise enough for a classroom? I don’t know. But, as a large supermarket often says, ‘Every little helps’. Good luck and thank you.

With every blessing,
Colin Resch