An invitation for YOU to join us this Easter

Hi and welcome to our website. Here you can find all the information you need about our Church community here in Mountsorrel. We’d love to invite you to be a part of our Church family.

It is Easter Day this Sunday and we will be marking this in both of our Churches with services to which you and your friends and family are invited. At 9.30am, Revd Eric Whitley will be at St Peter’s Church to lead the service there. The words for the service will be taken from the Book of Common Prayer. Then, at 11am we welcome Bishop Saju, Bishop of Loughborough to lead us in our Easter Morning service at Christ Church that will include baptisms (some by full-immersion) and confirmations. This will be a joyous occasion and we would like to extend an invitation to you.

Please do join us if you can. May you know God’s blessing upon you this Easter.

This Is Holy Week

We have many services, events and activities going on this week as we journey through Holy Week and on towards our Easter celebrations. Please do take a look at our calendar to see all that we have planned.

I would particularly like to draw your attention to our Good Friday events with a service for all the family at 10am and a more contemplative service of prayers, readings and silence at 2pm. Both of these taking place at St Peter’s Church. I would encourage you to come along to either or both of these services.

I would also like to draw your attention to a very special Easter Celebration taking place at Christ Church on Easter Sunday when we welcome Bishop Saju, bishop of Loughborough to lead us in our Easter Morning service that will include baptisms (some by full-immersion) and confirmations. This will be a joyous occasion and we would like to extend our invitation to you. Please do join us if you can.

An invitation to our Palm Sunday services

We are now in a period that the Church refers to as Passiontide. Easter is drawing near and we begin to focus on the journey that Jesus took towards the Cross. This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday and on this day we think about the journey that Jesus made into Jerusalem – not like some great king or conquering emperor coming on a state visit – more subdued, humble, lowly, riding on a donkey. Still his disciples and the crowd rallied around him welcoming him by waving palm branches and shouting, ‘Hosanna!’

Join us for our services this Palm Sunday to journey back in time and travel, with Jesus, the road to Jerusalem. There will be services of Holy Communion in both of our Churches on Sunday 2nd April: 9.30am at St Peter’s Church, and 11am at Christ Church.

At 4pm, we will have our regular ‘Fun@4’ at Christ Church with activities for all the family and a separate stream for youth.

We’d love to see you at any or all of these services as we journey with Jesus towards our Easter celebrations. God bless.

An invitation for you

We’re so glad you found our website and we’d love to meet with you face to face. You can join us at any of our events and services that are coming up (full details can be found in the calendar on this site).

This week, we have our daily Morning Prayer at 9am each weekday, but we also have a special service on Saturday 25th March to celebrate The Annunciation – the day when the Church remembers the visit of the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary telling her that she would be having a baby. This will be a service of Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church beginning at 10am. The service will be followed by refreshments so that we can continue to share fellowship together afterwards.

The following day, Sunday 26th March will see a service of All Age Communion taking place at St Peter’s Church starting at 9.30am and a service of Morning Prayer at Christ Church which begins at 11am.

Hope to see you there, but don’t forget to put your clocks forward or you’ll be late for these Sunday services.

Why not join us for worship

We’d love to welcome you to join us for worship this coming weekend. And there’s plenty of opportunity.

On Saturday 18th March, starting at 4pm, we have our Muddy Church session which is open to all and takes place in the Orchard behind Christ Church. The whole thing takes place outdoors with activities around the fire – do come appropriately dressed for the weather. Sadly we’ve had to cancel this session of Muddy Church. The next Muddy Church will be 15 April.

On Sunday 19th March we have a relaxed service of Cafe Church at 11am in Christ Church for Mothering Sunday. You will be welcome to drop in for as short or as long a time as you wish. The whole service will probably be finished by about midday so there’s still time if you’re going out for lunch.

Later that evening there will be a service of Evening Prayer (Evensong) taking place at St Peter’s Church which begins at 6pm.

There’s no need to tell us you are coming, just turn up. If it’s your first time with us, please make yourself known to one of our welcome team and we will make sure you have everything you need to get the most out of your time with us.

An invitation to join us

Welcome to our website. We hope you will enjoy browsing our site and find all the information you are looking for.

We’d like to extend a special invitation to you to join us for worship this coming weekend. On Sunday 12th March, we have a service of Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church using traditional words from the Book of Common Prayer which begins at 9.30am. There is also a service of All Age Worship which will be suitable for the whole family that begins at 11am in Christ Church. Our regular Senior Sunday afternoon service and tea will take place in St Peter’s Church later that day beginning at 4pm and is open to all, but particularly aimed at those aged over sixty and in need of some company.

An invitation to join us

I’m glad you’ve found our website and I’d be delighted if you were able to join us for one of our services this coming weekend.

On Sunday 5th March we have three opportunities for worship:
At 9.30am we gather at St Peter’s Church in Market Place for a service of Morning Prayer (Matins) which will be led by Mr Gary Lee.
At 11am we gather at Christ Church on the corner of Rothley Road and the Green for a service of Holy Communion which will be led by myself.
At 4pm we have our regular Fun@4 gathering with lots of activities for all the family and a seperate stream for youth. This gathering will be at Christ Church and will include a simple tea.

Whatever your plans, I hope that you will be able to include a visit to one of these services and I hope to see you there. Love and blessings, Colin Resch.

Come and join us for worship…

There’s so much going on this week as we enter into the period known as Lent. We’d love you to join us for some or all of our events, activities and services.

Shrove Tuesday falls this week on Tuesday 21st Feb, so we’ve got a pancake party planned. You can find out more information here.

On Wednesday 22nd Feb, we mark Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent) with a solemn service of Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church beginning at 10.30am. This service will include, for those who want it, the imposition of ashes which involves marking a cross on the forehead of each worshipper using ash as a sign of penitence. This is usually accompannied by the words, ‘Remember that you are but dust, and to dust you will return; turn away from your sin and be faithful to Christ.’ It is a very significant and poignant moment for many – I do hope you will be able to attend.

On Sunday, we will meet again at 9.30am in St Peter’s for a service of Holy Communion especially suitable for all ages whilst still using the traditional words of the Book of Common Prayer; and then again at 11am in Christ Church for a service of Sunday Worship. Do let us know if it is your first time with us and our welcome team will make sure that you have all the information you need to get the most out of your time with us. Both services will be followed by refreshments so there’s plenty of opportunity to chat with others and make new friends.

An invitation to join us…

We’re so glad you found our website. Now we’d love to meet you. Why not come and join us at on of our services this coming weekend – you will be assured of a warm welcome.

On Saturday 18th Feb, we’ve got our Muddy Church in the Orchard behind Christ Church. This begins at 4pm and takes place outdoors around a fire. There’s activities for youngsters and the chance to sit and enjoy the fire whilst toasting marshmallows. It’s Church, but not as you know it.

On Sunday 19th Feb, we’ve got a service of Holy Communion with prayers for healing at Christ Church from 11am. On this occasion we have a visiting minister Prebendary John Woolmer leading the service and preaching. On Sunday evening, beginning at 6pm, you are invited to St Peter’s for a traditional service of Evening Prayer (also known as Evensong) led by Mr Edmund Stacey.

An invitation to join us for worship

Whether you are new to Church; or if you’ve been attending all of your life; or even if you have never stepped foot inside a Church building before – you will be welcome to join us this weekend in our Churches for worship.

Our services this coming Sunday include a service of Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church using the traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer beginning at 9.30am. This service will be led by Revd Colin Resch and will be followed by refreshments of tea and coffee. A little later, at Christ Church, beginning at 11am there will be a service of All Age Worship led by our Youth Worker Kat Jenkins. Tea and coffee will be served throughout this service.

You will be assured of a warm welcome at either of these services. If it’s your first time with us, do introduce yourself to one of our welcome team and we can make sure you have everything you need to enjoy the most of your time with us.

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