An invitation to join us for worship
Whether you are new to Church; or if you’ve been attending all of your life; or even if you have never stepped foot inside a Church building before – you will be welcome to join us this weekend in our Churches for worship.
Our services this coming Sunday include a service of Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church using the traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer beginning at 9.30am. This service will be led by Revd Colin Resch and will be followed by refreshments of tea and coffee. A little later, at Christ Church, beginning at 11am there will be a service of All Age Worship led by our Youth Worker Kat Jenkins. Tea and coffee will be served throughout this service.
You will be assured of a warm welcome at either of these services. If it’s your first time with us, do introduce yourself to one of our welcome team and we can make sure you have everything you need to enjoy the most of your time with us.