Glad to meet you
Hi and welcome to our website. I hope you enjoy looking around and find everything you’re looking for. I’d like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome for you to join us at one or more of our services this coming week. You can find all the details on our calendar page.
On Friday 2nd February we mark the Feast of the Presentation (sometimes called Candlemas). We remember Jesus being presented in the temple by Mary and Joseph and recall the words of Simeon and Anna as they recognised the significance of the child being presented. You can join us for a very special service of Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church which begins at 7pm. After this service, do stay to enjoy a ‘Bring and Share’ meal in the Antill vestry.
On Sunday 4th February we gather in our Churches for Sunday Worship. In St Peter’s Church, starting at 9.30am, there will be a service of Morning Prayer (Matins); whilst in Christ Church, starting at 11am, there will be a service of Holy Communion. Later in the afternoon, at 4pm, we return to Christ Church for our Fun@4 / Youth@4 (Messy Church) with activities for all the family to join in with followed by a simple cooked meal.