Shaped By God Together – Local Conversations
On 9 October 2021 Diocesan Synod voted for a new Minster Communities framework for the diocese following more than a year of prayer, conversations and discernment. What does that mean? And what is next? This short video will give you a flavour of what is to come.
Following the feedback given by our parishes and those across the Diocese of Leicester, the Diocesan Synod will be meeting on Saturday 9 October to vote on the way forward. You can find out more about the proposals to be put to synod in this short vido presented by Bishop Martyn. I would ask you to pray for our synod members as they meet.
Following our discussions, feedback has been submitted to the Diocese as part of the consultation process. You can read our feedback here: Christ Church Feedback Form & St Peter’s Church Feedback Form
View a recording of our first discussion meeting: We held our first discussion meeting online on 5 June 2021 and you can view a recording of that meeting by clicking on the following link: Video of Local Conversation
Church is changing: Accelerated by the Covid pandemic, the Diocese of Leicester of which we are a part, is undergoing a strategic period of restructure which includes looking at our finance – how we make use of our historical assets and our current giving; our buildings – the challenge of maintaining significant numbers of historic churches; and our ministry – how clergy and other ministers are recruited, trained and deployed.
Local Conversations: Ministry to our Church is extremely likely to change affecting the allocation of clergy here. We have been asked to give input into this change by considering three possible models of future ministry (all of which arise because of the reducing numbers of clergy in our Diocese).
How can I get involved in the Local Conversation? We will be having two meetings: The first will be on Saturday 5th June 10am till 12noon, where the three Models of Ministry will be introduced. The second will be on Saturday 12th June, 10am till 12 noon, where we will be able to discuss the three models and answer questions on them. The meetings will be held online using Zoom and we would encourage those who are not able to access this technology to link up with another household (now allowed under Covid restrictions) who can join the meetings in this way. In between the meetings, we would encourage you to talk with other members of the congregation to weigh the pros and cons of the different models. It is important that you attend the first meeting so you understand the proposals to be discussed at the second.
Feedback: At the end of this process, each parish will complete a feedback form to present the results of the local conversations to the Diocese.
Preparation: Before these meetings we would urge you to view the resources provided by the diocese:
- Why Video
- Timeline Graphic
- Explanation of Timeline
- Timeline Video
- Big insights from the story gathering process
- Update from the Buildings Working Group
- Update from the Finance Working Group
Join the Meeting: You can join the local conversations by visiting and entering Meeting ID: 815-1420-0881 & Passcode: 558301 when prompted. Telephone users can call in by dialling 0203 901 7895 and using the same Meeting ID and Passcode.
More Info: There is plenty of more information about the entire Shaped By God Together process on the Diocesan website and we would encourage you to visit their site if you would like to find out more.