An invitation for you…

Welcome to our website. We’d like to thank you for popping by and take this opportunity to invite you to join us at one of our public worship services in the coming days. They are open to all and all are welcome.Sunday worship is a key expression of our love for God and we believe that when we gather together, Jesus is with us and among us. We hope that you too might be able to join us this coming weekend for one of our services.

Christ Church
We meet at 11am this Sunday for our worship and everyone is welcome to join us as we celebrate together. The service will be followed by our Annual meeting when we will hear reports of the work of hte Church over the last year and elect members of the Church to stand on the Church Council.

St Peter’s Church
We have a service of Holy Communion this Sunday (28th April) which is especially suited for families. The service begins at 9.30am and will be followed by free refreshments. We hope you might be able to join us.

An invitation for you…

Welcome to our website. We’d like to thank you for popping by and take this opportunity to invite you to join us at one of our public worship services in the coming days. They are open to all and all are welcome.
Sunday worship is a key expression of our love for God and we believe that when we gather together, Jesus is with us and among us. We hope that you too might be able to join us this coming weekend for one of our services.

Christ Church
We meet at 11am and this Sunday we will be sharing Communion together. During the service we will also be offering prayers for healing – either for yourself or someone who know who is in need of prayer at this time.

St Peter’s Church
We will be meeting at 6pm for our service of Evening Prayer, sometimes called Evensong. This is a traditional service with a beautiful blend of words and music which we are sure you will find moving. The service will be followed by our Annual meeting when we will hear reports of the work of the Church over the last year and elect members of the Church to stand on the Church Council.

Muddy Church
Before we get to Sunday, we welcome you to try our Muddy Church on Saturday 20th April starting at 4pm. This is an opportunity to spend time outdoors in God’s wonderful creation. We meet in The Orchard – part of the Vicarage Garden. Follow the signs around the back of Christ Church. Don’t forget to dress appropriately for the weather. Wellies, waterproofs and umbrellas may be required.

An invitation for you…

Happy Easter and welcome to our website. We’d like to thank you for popping by and take this opportunity to invite you to join us at one of our public worship services in the coming days. They are open to all and all are welcome.
Sunday worship is a key expression of our love for God and we believe that when we gather together, Jesus is with us and among us. We hope that you too might be able to join us this coming Sunday (14th April) for one of our services.

Christ Church
This week we have a special service of All Age Worship with activities, coffee, Bible reading, short talk, songs and prayers for you to join in with. We begin at 11am and everyone is welcome – even if you’ve never been to Church before.

St Peter’s Church
We will meet on Sunday morning at 9.30am for a service of Holy Communion using the traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer. You would be most welcome to join us. Later, at 4pm, we will have a short service especially tailored for the more senior members of our community which will be followed by tea and cake.

An invitation for you…

Happy Easter and welcome to our website. We’d like to thank you for popping by and take this opportunity to invite you to join us at one of our public worship services in the coming days. They are open to all and all are welcome.
Sunday worship is a key expression of our love for God and we believe that when we gather together, Jesus is with us and among us. We hope that you too might be able to join us this coming Sunday (7th April) for one of our services.

Christ Church
You can join us twice this Sunday. Frist at 11am for our service of Sunday Worship; and secondly at 4pm for our family friendly Fun@4 which includes activities for all ages and a hot meal.

St Peter’s Church
You can join us for our service of Morning Prayer (also known as Matins) which begins at 9.30am and is followed by free tea/coffee served in the Vestry.

Church News

Our April edition of Church News is now available in our churches for you to pick up free of charge. It is also available to view and download from our website.


Church News contains all the details of our forthcoming events and services. We hope you find it an informative and useful read.

Gather with us this Holy Week & Easter

Welcome to our website. We’d like to thank you for popping by and take this opportunity to invite you to join us at one of our public worship services in the coming days. They are open to all and all are welcome.
Sunday worship is a key expression of our love for God and we believe that when we gather together, Jesus is with us. We hope that you too might be able to join us this coming weekend for one of our services.

Holy Week
The week before Easter is known as Holy Week and Christians take time to prepare for Easter by remembering the sacrifice of Jesus, when he died on the cross for our sins. This Holy Week, why not join us for any or all of the following services/events:
Maundy Thursday 28th March, St Peter’s Church, 7pm. Holy Communion with (optional) foot washing. Join us at 7pm for this special service during which congregation members will have the opportunity, only if they want to, to have their feet washed in remembrance of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples.
Good Friday 29th March. There will be our usual Friday Coffee Morning at Christ Church beginning at 10am with the added attraction of Hot Cross Buns. Do join us if you can. Also at 10am, there will be a family service at St Peter’s Church when we remember the crucifixion of Jesus and think about its significance for us. At midday, there will be an open-air gathering near the memorial at the top of Castle Hill led by Pastor Anthony from Mountsorrel Baptist Church and open to all. At 2pm, back at St Peter’s Church, there will be a one-hour service of readings, prayer and silence led by Revd Colin.

Easter Day
This coming Sunday 31st March is Easter Day and is one of the most joy-filled days in the Christian year. We would like to extend a very warm welcome to you to join us for one of our Easter services.

Christ Church, 11am
We will be celebrating with a service of Holy Communion suitable for all the family. If you’ve not been to Church before, or if it’s been a while, why not join us on Easter morning. You would be most welcome. No need to book – just turn up.

St Peter’s Church, 9.30am
We will celebrate Easter with a traditional service of Holy Communion using words from the Book of Common Prayer. These prayers have guided Christians in England, and elsewhere for many generations and we hope you will come and join us.

An invitation to join us for something different…

Welcome to our website. We’d like to thank you for popping by and take this opportunity to invite you to join us at one of our public worship services in the coming days. They are open to all and all are welcome.
Sunday worship is a key expression of our love for God and we believe that when we gather together, Jesus is with us. This Sunday we are doing things a little differently.

The Sunday before Easter is called Palm Sunday and we recall the account of Jesus entering the city of Jerusalem riding upon a donkey. As he went along, the crowds cried, ‘Hosanna’. So we are going to begin our service at Christ Church and finish it at St Peter’s Church.
We will meet at Christ Church (top of the Green) at about 9.40am. At 9.45am, we will pray and sing before beginning to walk, through Mountsorrel, to St Peter’s Church (Market Place) where we will read from the Bible, hear a short talk, sing some more, and then finish with tea/coffee and other refreshments.
Revd Colin did offer to ride a donkey – just like Jesus – but we didn’t think that would be fair on the donkey.

An invitation to join us…

Welcome to our website. We’d like to thank you for popping by and take this opportunity to invite you to join us at one of our public worship services in the coming days. They are open to all and all are welcome.
Sunday worship is a key expression of our love for God and we believe that when we gather together, Jesus is with us. We hope that you too might be able to join us this coming weekend for one of our services.

Christ Church
We meet at 11am and this Sunday we will be sharing Communion together. During the service we will also be offering prayers for healing – either for yourself or someone who know who is in need of prayer at this time.

St Peter’s Church
We will be meeting at 6pm for our service of Evening Prayer, sometimes called Evensong. This is a traditional service with a beautiful blend of words and music which we are sure you will find moving.

Muddy Church
Before we get to Sunday, we welcome you to try our Muddy Church on Saturday 16th March starting at 4pm. This is an opportunity to spend time outdoors in God’s wonderful creation. We meet in The Orchard – part of the Vicarage Garden. Follow the signs around the back of Christ Church. Don’t forget to dress appropriately for the weather. Wellies, waterproofs and umbrellas may be required.

An invitation to join us…

Welcome to our website. We’d like to thank you for popping by and take this opportunity to invite you to join us at one of our public worship services in the coming days. They are open to all and all are welcome.
Sunday worship is a key expression of our love for God and we believe that when we gather together, Jesus is with us. We hope that you too might be able to join us this coming weekend for one of our services.

Christ Church
This coming Sunday is Mothering Sunday, so when we meet for our 11am Sunday Worship, we will be thanking God, not just for our mothers who physically gave birth to us, but also for all who have mothered us spiritually and helped us to learn about God and to grow in faith.
Do a jigsaw, make a paper plane, hear about three mothers from the Bible, listen to a poem, sing, receive a gift.

St Peter’s Church
We will be meeting together at 9.30am for a service of Holy Communion during which we thank God for the sacrifice that Jesus made for us.
Later, at 4pm, we will be gathering again for a service especially for the more senior members of our community who live alone. This short time together is an opportunity to be with others and to make new friends. We hope you will join us if it is right for you.

March News

Our March edition of Church News has now been printed and is available in our Churches free of charge. You can also download a copy from our website here. As well as lots of information about upcoming events and services, you will find lots of other interesting articles. We hope that you find it informative and useful for your prayers.

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