Church is changing…

 It is clear that the Church in our Diocese will be facing massive changes in the not too distant future. The proposed models of ministry will, depending on your personality type, either fill you with trepidation and anxiety or excitement and adventure. Either way, as you discover more about the proposals, like me you will probably have many questions. Find out more about the Shaped by God Together local conversations on our SBGT page:

It’s Meeting Time Again!

That’s right. It’s time for our annual meetings.

Christ Church will be holding its annual meeting on Tuesday 20th April 2021. Due to Covid-19 restrictions the meeting will be held online. The agenda and our Annual report along with details of how to join the meeting are available on this link: christ-church-apcm/

St Peter’s Church will be holding its annual meeting on Tuesday 27th April 2021. Due to Covid-19 restrictions the meeting will be held online. The agenda and our Annual Report along with details of how to join the meeting are available on this link: st-peters-apcm/

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