An invitation to join us:

The period from 18th – 25th January is marked by the Church as a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. To celebrate this in Mountsorrel, there will only be one service in our Churches as the congregations of Christ Church, St Peter’s Church, Mountsorrel Baptist and Mountsorrel Methodist Church all join together. The service will be held at St Peter’s Church and will include a celebration of Holy Communion using liturgy from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. This traditional service has been specially adapted to make it suitable for families and children and may include hymns led by a small choir. Whether you are new to Church or have been attending for many years, whatever your age, we hope that you will feel welcome at this service and that you find that the words and music draw you close to the living God and his son Jesus Christ.

After the conclusion of our service, do stay to join us for tea and coffee served in the Antill Vestry at the back of Church when you will have the opportunity to chat to other members of the congregation and make new friends.

An invitation to join us:

I would like to extend a very warm welcome to you and your family to join us in Church this coming weekend at one of our services. Whether you are new to Church or have been attending Church for many years, I am convinced that there is something that will suit you.

On Saturday 14th January, we have our regular ‘Muddy Church’ which meets in The Vicarage Orchard behind Christ Church. This service is entirely outdoors so do come dressed for whatever the weather is going to be. There will be a fire in the fire-pit which is excellent for toasting marshmallows and making smores.

At 11am on Sunday 15th January, Revd Steve Delaforce will be leading a service of Holy Communion at Christ Church. Our preacher will be Mr Edmund Stacey. There will be another chance to hear Edmund preach later that day, when he leads and preaches at a traditional service of Evensong at St Peter’s beginning at 6pm.

I do hope you will be able to join us for one or more of these services. If it’s your first time with us, please do make yourself known to one of our welcome team and they will make sure you have everything you need to get the best experience out of your visit.

Colin Resch.

An invitation to join us:

Whether you are new to Church or a regular attender, you will be guaranteed a warm welcome at our worship services this weekend – 8th January 2023.

For those who prefer something a little more traditional, we have a service of Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church which begins at 9.30am. This service will be followed by tea and coffee served in the Antil Vestry.

For those who are willing to try something new, why not come along to Christ Church at 11am for our All Age Worship – ideal for the whole family and for people of any age. Tea/Coffee is served throughout the service which will be led by our fabulous Children and Families Team.

Later in the afternoon, we open the doors of St Peter’s again for our Senior Sunday service which begins at 4pm. This service is particularly suitable for those who live on their own and are feeling isolated. The short half-hour service is followed by sandwiches and cakes served in the Antil Vestry with plenty of opportunity to socialise.

Whatever you choose to do, have a great weekend. God bless, Colin Resch.

Join us for an Epiphany Celebration

Friday 6th January marks the feast of The Epiphany – the arrival of the wise men coming to worship the infant Jesus and offering gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. But how much do we really know about who they were and what they were up to?

Come along to this celebratory service of Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, at 7pm. Maybe we will find out more. The service will be led by Revd Colin Resch and refreshments will be served after the conclusion of the service.

All Age Service

We do hope you will be able to join us at Christ Church on the 2nd Sunday of the month for our all age service. This is a relaxed family friendly service with a mix of worship music, prayers, reflection and activities. For our smallest visitors we have a play mat with some toys available.

You are welcome to stay afterwards to chat over a drink

We look forward to seeing you there.

Tree of Life

Thank you Fun@4
At our Messy Church session on Sunday 3rd April, the congregation created some beautiful bead crosses, flowers, butterflies and snakes which they then used to decorate a dead branch and bring it to life showing how God can bring life from the dead.

We heard the good news of Jesus coming to life again after willingly giving his life for us.

The Tree of Life is now on display in the Church .

Youth Worker Vacancy

The position of Youth Worker is a new role being created in the Benefice to help focus the mission and evangelism of our parishes in such a way as to increase the number of young people coming to faith and joining the Church.

You will work closely with the incumbent and ministry team sharing the oversight of ministry to young people and their families within the local community, and our Church family. It is expected that you will become a worshipping member of our Church community.

This pioneering youth work post will build on the foundation work achieved by our two children and families’ workers who have in post for three years. You will be an integral part of our ministry team and have the opportunity to work alongside the Mountsorrel Parish Council funded Youth Work project and the staff and pupils of the nearby secondary school.

How to apply for the job
Visit our vacancies page and download the job description, person specification and application form then follow the instructions to email or post your completed application form to the address shown on the form before the deadline of 5pm on Thursday 21st April.

Sunday Worship livestream

This Sunday, 8 August, there are services of worship at both of our Churches. For those who are unable to join us in person, we will be livestreaming our worship from St Peter’s Church, Mountsorrel at 9.30am on our Youtube channel. Click the link below for access.

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