A Warm Welcome Awaits

Hi. We’d love to get to know you. Why not join us in Church for our events and services. All of these are listed on our calendar page. There’s more to Church than Sunday and we’d like you to find out all that we have to offer.

On Friday (and every Friday), you can join us in Christ Church for our regular Coffee Morning which runs from 10am to 12noon. You’ll find good coffee (or tea), home-made cakes, and a warm welcome.

This coming Sunday, you can join us at St Peter’s Church, 9.30am for a service of Holy Communion specially suited to families. You can also join us at Christ Church, 11am for a service of Morning Prayer. Both services are followed by tea and coffee so that you can chat with others and ask any questions you may have about the services.

We hope you can join us.

Lent Begins This Week

There’s a lot going on in our Churches this week and I hope you will be able to join in with some of our events and services.

On Tuesday 13th (Shrove Tuesday), we mark Pancake Day with Pancakes – how else? We will be giving out pancakes at the bottom of the Christ Church drive after school is out (about 3.15pm). There’s no charge, but donations are welcome.
On Wednesday 14th (Ash Wednesday), we gather for a special service in St Peter’s at 10.15am during which you will be invited to come forward and receive the sign of the cross marked on your forehead with ash as a sign of repentance.
On Saturday 17th, it is time for our Muddy Church. Head to The Orchard behind Christ Church for 4pm. If it’s cold and wet, do wear appropriate clothing.
On Sunday 18th, at 11am we meet for Sunday Worship at Christ Church; at 6pm we meet for Evening Prayer (Evensong) at St Peter’s Church.

Do join in with us if you can. If it’s your first time visiting us, please make yourself known to us and we’d be delighted to help you with any queries you may have.


It’s great that you have found our website. Why not come and meet us in person.

You can join in with our regular Sunday Worship by joining us at either (or both)
St Peter’s Church at 9.30am for a service of Holy Communion and/or
Christ Church at 11am for a service of Sunday Worship for all ages.

Later in the afternoon, we have our regular afternoon service for Seniors – Senior Sunday – which meets at St Peter’s Church beginning at 4pm and consists of a short act of worship followed by afternoon tea.

Glad to meet you

Hi and welcome to our website. I hope you enjoy looking around and find everything you’re looking for. I’d like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome for you to join us at one or more of our services this coming week. You can find all the details on our calendar page.

On Friday 2nd February we mark the Feast of the Presentation (sometimes called Candlemas). We remember Jesus being presented in the temple by Mary and Joseph and recall the words of Simeon and Anna as they recognised the significance of the child being presented. You can join us for a very special service of Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church which begins at 7pm. After this service, do stay to enjoy a ‘Bring and Share’ meal in the Antill vestry.

On Sunday 4th February we gather in our Churches for Sunday Worship. In St Peter’s Church, starting at 9.30am, there will be a service of Morning Prayer (Matins); whilst in Christ Church, starting at 11am, there will be a service of Holy Communion. Later in the afternoon, at 4pm, we return to Christ Church for our Fun@4 / Youth@4 (Messy Church) with activities for all the family to join in with followed by a simple cooked meal.

Vocations Day

Being called by God doesn’t always lead to ordained ministry. There are so many ways to live out your faith in the life and mission of the church and wider community. If you feel God’s calling you to be or do something, then you might find an answer at the Diocese of Leicester’s forthcoming Vocations Day.

Exploring Calling For Everyone is the chance to think about how God calls us to live out our faith, to recognise our gifts, and to meet others from across the diocese serving their church and communities in a variety of ways.
Seminars throughout the day include caring for our buildings, leading worship, working with children and young people, helping others to deepen their faith, pastoral care, sharing faith, social action and caring for creation.

Revd Liz Rawlings, diocesan Discipleship and Vocations Enabler, says: “We are each called to be ‘salt and light’ in the world, to be bearers of the grace of God in the places and among the people we find ourselves.
“This day gives us the space to reflect on the opportunities and gifts we have to do this, a place where we can be inspired by others who are living their faith in a myriad of different ways and the opportunity to explore how God may be guiding us in our own unique calling.”

Exploring Calling For Everyone takes place on Saturday 10 February, 10am to 3pm, at St Martins House, Leicester.
Click here for more information

Hi. We’d love to see you.

It’s great that you’ve found our website. We’d love nothing more than to meet you in person. If you are able to do so, why not join us this coming Sunday 28th January for our services of worship.

At St Peter’s Church, 9.30am we meet for our All Age Service of Holy Communion. Using liturgy from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, this traditional service has been specially adapted to make it suitable for families and children.

At Christ Church, 11am you can be assured of a warm welcome whether you are new to our Church or if you’ve been coming along since… well, for ever. We offer a blend of modern worship that we think you will enjoy. Come on your own, with a friend or with your family.

I do hope you will be able to come along and I look forward to being able to welcome you in person. Revd Colin Resch.


Later this week we begin the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (18-25 January). So let me encourage you to take some time to pray for unity within the Church.

This Sunday 21st January, the four Mountsorrel Churches will come together at the Mountsorrel Baptist Church for a united act of worship and you are very welcome to join us. The service begins at 10.30am and will be followed by tea/coffee.

Unfortunately, it has been necessary to cancel our Muddy Church session this weekend. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience. Prior to this, you are welcome to join us for Muddy Church on Saturday 20th January which takes place from 4pm in The Orchard behind Christ Church. Follow the path to the back of the Church and through the small gate in the corner.

Bell Ringing Suspended

Unfortunately, due to a broken stay on one of the bells, there will be no bell ringing at St Peter’s Church until further notice. We are sorry for the disappointment. Our team are working on fixing the issue and getting us back to normal as soon as possible.

A warm welcome awaits

Do join us this week for worship. Our services this week include a service at St Peter’s Church, starting at 9.30am and another at Christ Church starting at 11am. In the afternoon, we have the first of this year’s special afternoon services for Seniors – Senior Sunday – which takes place at St Peter’s Church starting at 4pm and will be followed by afternoon tea.

Whatever your plans, I do hope that you will be able to join me. Every blessing, Colin Resch

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