Youth Work

Welcome to our Youth page.

Kat started as our youth worker and works with our young people at Christ Church, St Peter’s Church, and in our local schools. She also supports All Age Worship services and Muddy Church along with our Children & Families’ Team..

We would be delighted to see you at any of our activities so do come along and say Hi

For more information about any of our regular activities or speciel events please click on the images below.

First Wednesday of the month at Christ Church
4th Saturday of the month at 4pm
4th Sunday of the month at Christ Church
Wednesdays after school at Christ Church
Rawlins Year 7 Lunch Club – Thursday L6
Rawlins Year 8 Reflection Group – Friday L6

For the safety of our young people, we ask that all those attending activites, at either Christ Church or St Peter’s Church, first complete a parental consent form. This can be downloaded from the link below

Special Events

Across the year we have a number of one off events for our young people and their families

If you would like to sponsor our young people on their sponsored walk to raise money for our Lent project, you can donate online here or fill the sponsor form at the back of church.

Check out our calender for what we have planned

For more information about any of these please contact our Youth Worker Kat Jenkins on 07857 964330 or drop her a message using the form below.