Sunday Worship

Join us at Christ Church for Sunday Worship each week at 11am.

Our services are suitable for people of all ages and you can be assured of a warm welcome whether you are new to our Church or if you’ve been coming along since… well, for ever. We offer a blend of modern worship that we think you will enjoy. Come on your own, with a friend or with your family. Parents, bring your children; children, bring your grown-ups.

In our service today, we share in Holy Communion (bread and wine) remembering the Last Supper when Jesus took bread and wine and shared them with his disciples asking that they continue to do this in remembrance of him. There will also be the opportunity for those who like to receive prayers for healing – either for themselves or someone else – to do so.

If you’re new to Church, just let someone know when you arrive and we will guide you through the service and answer any questions you might have. There’s always good coffee on hand (other drinks are available) and a biscuit or two. So do come and join us.

Tea Time Church

A new service for the whole Church family to enjoy together.

Tea Time Church begins at 4pm and is a short service of about 30 minutes with songs, Bible reading, prayers and a short talk taking place in St Peter’s Church. This will be followed by a sandwich tea in the vestry.

Do come along and discover more about God’s love for you and how you can know his peace in your life.

For those that want to stay on, it will be followed by our monthly service of Evening Prayer (Evensong) which will begin at 6pm.

The Gap – After School Club

Come to The Gap. An after-school club open to everyone with school aged children meeting every Wednesday during term time.

Children aged 10 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Those aged 11 and over can come without an adult, but must have a permission form filled in and signed by a parent/carer.

We open the doors at 3pm for a game whilst we wait for others to arrive and then at 3.30pm there’s drinks and snacks followed by games, crafts, story and reflection. Every three or four weeks we hold a short all age service using crafts, thoughts and reflections that we have come up with during thye past weeks followed by a sit-down meal together.

Muddy Church

Muddy Church is a place for people of all ages to gather together, outside and to connect  with the space and God.

The heart of Muddy Church is to offer spaces to ‘wander and wonder’ together.

We meet once a month (usually on the third Saturday of every month). Our normal meeting place will be in ‘The Orchard’ a part of the vicarage garden given over to wildlife and some recently planted fruit trees. Head to Christ Church (top of the Green) and follow the path behind the Church past the cherry trees. You’ll find us there.

If it’s cold and wet, wrap up warm. We have a fire, but no shelter.

Sunday Worship

Join us at Christ Church for Sunday Worship each week at 11am.

Our services are suitable for people of all ages and you can be assured of a warm welcome whether you are new to our Church or if you’ve been coming along since… well, for ever. We offer a blend of modern worship that we think you will enjoy. Come on your own, with a friend or with your family. Parents, bring your children; children, bring your grown-ups.

If you’re new to Church, just let someone know when you arrive and we will guide you through the service and answer any questions you might have. There’s always good coffee on hand (other drinks are available) and a biscuit or two. So do come and join us.

Sunday Worship

Join us at Christ Church for Sunday Worship each week at 11am.

Our services are suitable for people of all ages and you can be assured of a warm welcome whether you are new to our Church or if you’ve been coming along since… well, for ever. We offer a blend of modern worship that we think you will enjoy. Come on your own, with a friend or with your family. Parents, bring your children; children, bring your grown-ups.

In our service today, we share in Holy Communion (bread and wine) remembering the Last Supper when Jesus took bread and wine and shared them with his disciples asking that they continue to do this in remembrance of him.

If you’re new to Church, just let someone know when you arrive and we will guide you through the service and answer any questions you might have. There’s always good coffee on hand (other drinks are available) and a biscuit or two. So do come and join us.

The Gap – After School Club

Come to The Gap. An after-school club open to everyone with school aged children meeting every Wednesday during term time.

Children aged 10 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Those aged 11 and over can come without an adult, but must have a permission form filled in and signed by a parent/carer.

We open the doors at 3pm for a game whilst we wait for others to arrive and then at 3.30pm there’s drinks and snacks followed by games, crafts, story and reflection. Every three or four weeks we hold a short all age service using crafts, thoughts and reflections that we have come up with during thye past weeks followed by a sit-down meal together.

Sunday Worship

Join us at Christ Church for Sunday Worship each week at 11am.

Our service today is led by our fabulous children and families team and is especially suitable for people of all ages. You can be assured of a warm welcome whether you are new to our Church or if you’ve been coming along since… well, for ever. We offer a blend of modern worship that we think you will enjoy. Come on your own, with a friend or with your family. Parents, bring your children; children, bring your grown-ups.

If you’re new to Church, just let someone know when you arrive and we will guide you through the service and answer any questions you might have. There’s always good coffee on hand (other drinks are available) and a biscuit or two. So do come and join us.

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