Starting Rite

Blocks of 5 sessions run twice a year at Christ Church
Starting Rite usually runs as a continuation of our Beyond the Bump sessions , however you don’t have to have come to Beyond the Bump to attend Starting Rite.
Starting Rite may be of particular interest to families who are having their baby baptized but can be enjoyed by anyone of any or no faith.
Our sessions are baby-centred and include lots of fun activities including; singing, storytelling, bathing/water play, bubbles and sensory play.
We also gently wonder about some of life’s big questions – each session has a theme to help us do this…
Peek-a-boo! – We use different material to hide our faces while singing peek-a-boo songs to our babies. This session talks about how we can know God.
How Much Love! – We do lots of baby-touch. This session talks about God’s love for us.
Splash! We splash around in water and look at lights inside a tent. Here we talk about baptism.
Bubble-talk! – We blow bubbles to our babies and roll beach balls around to each other as we wonder about prayer.
Storytime! We retell 3 bible stories; we get to play with pebbles, sand, material and toy sheep. This is about reading the bible
Refreshments for parents are provided and there is lots of opportunity to simply chat with one another and play and bond with your baby.
Starting Rite is free but but does require you to register before attending. For our next course dates and to register please contact Alison White on 07305 664009 or at