Sunday Worship Live
Our Church at Home service will be live on Zoom (see here for more information) but for those who are unable to join us on Zoom, you are welcome to watch the livestream link here.
The United Benefice of Mountsorrel Christ Church & Mountsorrel St Peter
Our Church at Home service will be live on Zoom (see here for more information) but for those who are unable to join us on Zoom, you are welcome to watch the livestream link here.
Join us every Sunday morning for Live Sunday Worship at 11am. This will be a livestream of our Sunday Worship Zoom meeting. Ideal for those who do not have access to Zoom.
The next service in Church will be Morning Prayer (BCP) on the 14th March (Mothering Sunday) at 9.30am.
Dear friends we are sorry to inform you that from today Saturday 9th January 2021 we will not be holding ‘in person services’ in our churches of St. Peter’s, Christ Church and St. Leonard’s.It was the intention to try and keep our church buildings open at the beginning of the week. However after careful consideration and in the light of the rising infection rates we believe it would be best for all those we care for, that we suspended face to face activities. We are aware that Government guidance and our own National and Regional Guidance does permit such activities, provided they are Covid secure, but we like many churches locally feel it would be too great a risk to place our congregations at risk.We know that we have successfully managed the risk and many do feel safe and secure in church when we are open, however the new strain posses grater risks.We will be shut throughout this phase of lockdown and await the review that is expected on February 15th. We are aware that this is a big disappointment to many and it is with heavy heart that this decision has been taken .A reminder that we do still meet for church in our homes on Zoom. Once more we ask that each of you to be extra vigilant and safe.Blessings Darren Walker’
Curate Mountsorrel with St. Leonards Swithland.
This is a recording of this morning’s Sunday Worship for our Church at Home congregation.In this service, Revd Colin Resch takes a brief look back at 2020 and reflects on how we might remain close to Jesus as we move into 2021. The sung worship has been removed from the recording to avoid any copyright issues.
Here is the recording of our Christmas Day Worship with the Church at Home congregation.
Here is today’s service for our Church at Home congregation. I hope it helps you engage in worship with God. The service is led by Mrs Helen Hodson and the preacher is Revd Darren Walker. The hymns and worship songs used in our worship have been omitted from the recording to avoid any copyright issues.
Here is the recording of our Sunday Worship with the Church at Home congregation of Mountsorrel & Swithland. The service is led by Mr Edmund Stacey and the preacher is Revd Colin Resch. Some of the hymns sung during our worship have been omitted for copyright reasons.
Join in with our Online Nativity starring the children of Fun@4, Sunbeams, and the Friday Club in Swithland for a very special Christmas experience. Visit to join in from 4pm on Sunday 20 December.
During our Zoom worship on Sunday 29 November, we lit the first of our advent candles in each church of the benefice. You can watch a short video of the lighting here.