Do join us…

Hello and welcome to the Mountsorrel Church website. Here you will find information about the events and services on offer at Christ Church and at St Peter’s Church in Mountsorrel.

This week may be the school half-term holiday, but we are still open for Sunday worship as usual. We would love to extend this invitation to you to join us at one or both of these services:

At St Peter’s Church, 9.30am Revd Colin Resch will be lead a service of Holy Communion assisted by Alison White who will be sharing from God’s Word. This service will be especially suitable for families but not to the exclusion of anyone else either. The service will be followed by free refreshments so do stay and chat afterwards if you can.

At Christ Church, 11am there will be a service of Morning Prayer which will include welcoming Axel and his family into our church as they bring him for Baptism. This service will also be followed by free refreshments so it will be a delight to chat with you afterwards if you are able to stay.

Bugs and Hedgehogs find a home

It was a great afternoon at Muddy Church on Saturday 14 October. We read from scripture that God entrusted us with care of the environment so, as well as joining in with all of the usual Muddy Church experiences such as singing a song, exploring nature and toasting marshmallows over the fire, we made a hedgehog house to leave in the orchard. We also made some fantastic bug hotels and ladybird palaces – some to leave in the orchard, some to take home. Hopefully we’ve done just a little bit to encourage some wildlife to thrive.

Babyloss Awareness

A special service with reflective prayers and music was held on Friday 13 October to mark Babyloss awareness week. Those attending remembered the babies that were taken too soon, either before, at or shortly after birth. Names were read out and those same names were written on hearts and hung on a tree next to candles that were lit in memory. Participants were able to take a candle home to light on Sunday evening – baby loss awareness day – as part of a wave of light. The service was carefully and thoughtfully crafted by Alison, one of our Children and Family workers. In the end, the service was led by Linda, another of our Children and Family workers because Alison was unable to be present due to ill health. Thank you both for your hard work.

An open invitation…

Hi and welcome to our website. This opening paragraph is an invitation for you to come and join us in worship this weekend. We have a lot going on in our churches and you can find out more about what we do here on our website; but at the heart of who we are is our worship of the living God.

On Friday this week, at St Peter’s Church, 7pm there will be a special service of Prayer and Remembrance to mark Baby Loss Awareness Week. Anyone who has been affected by the loss of a baby either before or after birth is welcome to join us for a short reflective service which will include the opportunity to light a candle in remembrance. Coming together in this way can help us to realise that we are not alone on this painful journey and it is our hope that in the sharing of one another’s pain we find some measure of healing too.

On Saturday 14 October in the orchard behind Christ Church, we gather for our monthly Muddy Church. This outdoor act of worship will see us explore nature, sing together at the fire pit and maybe even cook something to eat. If you’ve never been before, head to the back of Christ Church just before 4pm and follow the noise and the smell of smoke.

On Sunday 15 October we worship in our Churches. At Christ Church, 11am we have a service of Holy Communion with prayers for healing being offered. Then at St Peter’s Church, 6pm we have a service of Evening Prayer (Evensong). Both of these services will be followed by free refreshments so we hope you will be able to stay and join us for tea/coffee and chat.

An invitation to join us for worship…

Welcome to Mountsorrel Churches. At the heart of all we do is our worship. Why not join us this coming weekend?

On Sunday 8 October we begin with a service of Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, 9.30am. This service will be led by me, Colin Resch. Then at Christ Church, 11am we have a service of All Age Worship and Harvest Festival for all the family. This will be led by Alison White, one of our children and families team. Later on, at 4pm, we return to St Peter’s Church for our Senior Sunday service which will be led by Mel Rowley and followed by afternoon tea.

Whether you are new to Church or just haven’t been for a while, you will be guaranteed a very warm welcome at any of our services. If you have any questions while you are with us, please speak with a member of our welcome team and they will be pleased to assist you.

I hope to see you soon,
With every blessing, Coln Resch.

Come and join us…

I’m so glad you have found our website and I hope you find it useful and informative. This weekend, as always, you have the opportunity to join us in person for worship at our churches. On Sunday 1st October, we begin with a service of Morning Prayer (Matins) at St Peter’s Church, 9.30am. This service is a traditional service with words taken from The Book of Common Prayer. We continue at Christ Church, 11am with a service of Holy Communion using contemporary language.

Later, at 4pm, we will be meeting for family craft fun for all ages with our Fun@4 and Youth@4 sessions. These take place at Christ Church and are open for anyone to join.

I hope I will have the opportunity to see you at one or more of these services. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never been to church before, or if it’s been a while – you will be guaranteed a warm welcome.

Revd, Colin Resch, priest in charge.

Welcome to the Family

During our Morning Worship at Christ Church on Sunday 24 September, we welcomed Eddie into our Church family at his baptism service. The service was led by our Associate Minister, Mel Rowley; the preacher was Revd Colin Resch and we welcomed back into our Church Revd Darren Walker who performed the baptism.

Congratulations Kieran & Emily

It was a delight to welcome Kieran and Emily to St Peter’s Church on Saturday 23 September along with their family and friends. The wedding was a beautifully relaxed occasion with bride and groom surrounded by family and friends as they made their marriage vows to each other. The service was led by Revd Colin Resch, the organist was Mr John Strange. As the wedding march played at the end of the service, a band of eight bell ringers rang out the good news in celebration.

Congratulations Mr & Mrs Newbold.

We’d love to meet you…

Hello and welcome to our website. Here is where you will find out more about all that we are doing as God’s people in Mountsorrel. There are all sorts of activities, events and services that you can join in with.

This coming weekend, we’d love to invite you to join us for a special service of Holy Communion designed for people of all ages. The service will take place at St Peter’s Church, Market Place beginning at 9.30am and will be led by me, Revd Colin Resch. The talk will be given by Alison White, one of our children and families team. For those that like a bit of a lie-in, at 11am, there will be a service of Sunday Worship at Christ Church (top of the Green) and will include the baptism of Eddie.

If you are new to Church or haven’t been for a while, you can be assured of a warm welcome to either of our churches. Just turn up a few minutes before the service is due to start and find a seat. If you have any questions when you are there, please ask one of our welcome team who will be happy to help.

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