Happy New Year

As we roll into 2024, let me extend a very warm welcome to you to join us for worship at Christ Church or St Peter’s in the coming days.

On Saturday 6th January, we celebrate the Feast of The Epiphany (traditionally marking the arrival of the wise men). Join us at St Peter’s Church at 7pm for a service of Holy Communion which will be followed by a ‘Bring and Share’ Supper.

On Sunday 7th January, we gather for Sunday Worship. At Christ Church, the service begins at 11am; and at St Peter’s Church, the service begins at 6pm. Both of these services will be followed by tea/coffee, so do stay if you can.

Christmas Services in Mountsorrel

As we enter into the Christmas period, we invite you to join us for any of the following Christmas services:

Christmas Eve
10am, St Peter’s Church: A nativity service where everyone gets to join in whatever your age.
4pm, Christ Church: A Christingle service where oranges and Jesus take the central place.
11.15pm, Christ Church: A service of Midnight Mass for Christmas.

Christmas Day
9.30am, St Peter’s Church, Holy Communion using the traditional language from the Book of Common Prayer.
11am, Christ Church, A family celebration of Holy Communion for Christmas – bring a present to show.

New Year’s Eve
We join together for one joint service at St Peter’s Church, 9.30am to mark the end of another year.

Carol Services and Worship

This week, we begin our Carol Services with a very special and atmospheric services amongst the Christmas Trees at Christ Church on Monday 11 December, 7pm. This service is open to everyone and will be led by the women of the Church.

On Saturday 16 December at 4pm, we have a special Muddy Carols in the Vicarage Orchard. Meet in the churchyard behind Christ Church and follow the noise and the smell of bonfire.

On Sunday 17 December there will be Sunday Worship at Christ Church, 11am and a traditional’ish service of Readings and Carols for Christmas at St Peter’s Church beginning at 6pm.

Do come and join us, if you can, to celebrate in the singing of carols.

It’s Christmas Tree Festival Time

This coming weekend at Christ Church we will be celebrating our Christmas Tree and Nativity Festival. The Church will be decked out with Christmas Trees decorated by the different community groups and businesses of Mountsorrel and the surrounding area. Scattered among the trees will be some beautiful crib scenes in some unusal, yet everyday, objects. See our dedicated Christmas Tree Festival page by using the link above.

On Sunday 10 December you can join us for worship at St Peter’s Church, 9.30am for Holy Communion; and at Christ Church, 11am for our All Age Worship. Later in the day, our seniors gather for a special service of worship and tea at St Peter’s Church, 4pm.

The Countdown to Christmas Begins

This coming Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent and marks our official countdown to Christmas.

You will be welcome to join us at either Christ Church or St Peter’s Church for our Advent Services. If it is your first time with us, do say hello and make yourself known to one of our welcome team and they will ensure that you have everything you need to get the most out of your time with us.

Our services begin at St Peter’s Church, 9.30am with a special service of Advent (not Christmas) Carols and readings.
Then at Christ Church, 11am there will be a service of Holy Communion for Advent.
Later in the afternoon at Christ Church, 4pm we come together with our families for Messy Church our Fun@4 and Youth@4 gatherings.

I hope you will be able to join us this Advent Sunday for one or more of these services. Colin Resch

Your invitation to Church

Do join us this weekend for our Church services.

We meet at 9.30am in St Peter’s Church for a service of Morning Prayer using the traditional text of the Book of Common Prayer. Later in the morning at 11am, we meet at Christ Church for a service of Sunday Worship. Both of these services will be followed by free refreshments of tea and coffee. Even if it is your first time in coming to one of our services, you will be assured of a warm welcome. I do hope you will be able to join us. Colin Resch

An invitation for you to join us

This coming weekend, you are welcome to join us for worship in (and outside) of our churches.

On Saturday 18 November there will be Muddy Church in the Vicarage orchard. Meet in the Churchyard behind Christ Church (top of The Green) and you will see some signs of where to go.

On Sunday 19 November we begin with a service of Sunday Worship at Christ Church which kicks off at 11am. All are welcome. The service will be followed by free refreshments of tea and coffee served in The Bower Room. Later that day at St Peter’s Church there will be a service of Evening Prayer (Evensong) which begins at 6pm. Again, this service will be followed by free tea and coffee served in The Antill Vestry. I hope you will be able to join us for either of these services.

Remembrance Weekend

This coming weekend is a weekend of remembrance beginning with an Act of Remembrance in the Peace Garden, Market Place on Saturday 11th November. The Act of Remembrance will begin at about 10.55am and include two minute’s silence at 11am to mark Armistice Day.

On Sunday morning, our service at St Peter’s Church takes place at 9.30am an will be a service of Holy Communion with an act of remembrance. This services uses the traditional text of the Book of Common Prayer. At 11am there will be a service at Christ Church which will begin with an act of remembrance. The service is suitable for people of all ages and especially for those who are not familiar with Church. The theme of the service will be Peace.

In the afternoon, the Mountsorrel branch of the Royal British Legion will gather for a parade along Loughborough Road setting off from the Mountsorrel Memorial Centre at 2.30pm and parading to St Peter’s Church for a service of remembrance at 3pm. Following the service, the parade will form up once more and travel back towards the Green where the Deputy Lieutenant and the Mayor of Charnwood will take the salute. Refreshments will follow in the Mountsorrel Memorial Centre.

All are welcome to any or all of these events and services and I hope we will see you there. Every blessing, Colin Resch.

What’s on this week…

There are many opportunities for you to join us in our Churches this week as we enter into a season of remembering. But first there is a Light Party taking place at Christ Church on 31st October, 3pm – 5pm. There will be some crafts and some party games – donuts on a string, bobbing for stars. Every activity is suitable for all ages, but children must be accompanied by an adult. You can book your tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/719272612747
Wednesday 1st November is All Saints Day and there will be a celebration of Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church starting at 7pm. The service will be followed by a Bring & Share Supper so please feel free to bring some food to share.

Saturday 4 November is our Craft Fair at Christ Church. The event runs from 10am to 4pm. Refreshments will be available throughout.

We have plenty of opportunities for worship on Sunday 5th November. We begin with a service of Morning Prayer (Matins) at St Peter’s Church, 9.30am. Then at Christ Church, 11am there is a service of Holy Communion. At 4pm there are services at both Christ Church and at St Peter’s Church. Our Messy Church – Fun @ 4 & Youth@ 4 – take place at Christ Church and all are welcome to join us. At St Peter’s Church there will be a special All Souls’ Memorial Service when we gather to remember those we have loved and lost. There will be time for quiet reflection and the opportunity to light a candle in memory of those who have died.

Hello and Welcome

It is a delight to welcome you to our website where you will find all sorts of information about our events and services. We would also love to welcome you, in person, to one or more of our upcoming services.

This coming Sunday, 29th October, we gather with the other churches of the village for a special united service under the banner of Churches Together in Mountsorrel. This special service will take place at Christ Church at the slightly earlier than usual time of 10.30am. The service will be led by me, Revd Colin Resch, assisted by other members of the team.

Later, in the evening, at St Peter’s Church, 6pm there will be a service of Evening Prayer (Evensong) using the traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer.

It would be great if you were able to join us at either of these services. Just turn up a few minutes before they are due to begin and find a seat. Members of our welcome team will be on hand to make sure that you have everything you need.

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