St Peter’s Church Annual Meeting

St Peter’s Church will be holding the deferred annual meeting on Thursday 15th October at 7pm. Because of the current Covid-19 restrictions, this will be a virtual meeting held over zoom. At this meeting, parishioners will appoint two Churchwardens, elect two members of the Church to sit on the Deanery Synod and two members to serve on the St Peter’s Parochial Church Council (PCC). We will also receive the annual report and answer any questions you may have about the life of our Church here in Mountsorrel.

Nomination forms for Churchwarden and PCC membership are available in the Church or by request and completed forms should be returned to Revd Colin Resch before the start of the meeting. If you would like an informal chat about the role of Churchwarden or PCC member, please contact Revd Colin Resch on 0116 429 9946.

To join the meeting, you will need to visit and enter Meeting ID: 856-1274-6227 and Passcode: 500023 when prompted. You can also join by phone by dialling 0203 481 5240 and entering the same ID and passcode when prompted.

Copies of the agenda, previous minutes and the annual report are available by clicking here.

Christ Church Annual Meeting

Christ Church will be holding the deferred annual meeting on Wednesday 14th October at 7pm. Because of the current Covid-19 restrictions, this will be a virtual meeting held over zoom. At this meeting, parishioners will appoint two Churchwardens, elect one member of the Church to sit on the Deanery Synod and two members to serve on the Christ Church Parochial Church Council (PCC). We will also receive the annual report and answer any questions you may have about the life of our Church here in Mountsorrel.

Nomination forms for Churchwarden and PCC membership are available in the Church or by request and completed forms should be returned to Revd Colin Resch before the start of the meeting. If you would like an informal chat about the role of Churchwarden or PCC member, please contact Revd Colin Resch on 0116 429 9946.

To join the meeting, you will need to visit and enter Meeting ID: 818-9188-8219 and Passcode: 264161 when prompted. You can also join by phone by dialling 0203 481 5240 and entering the same ID and passcode when prompted.

Copies of the agenda, previous minutes and the annual report are available by clicking here.

An opportunity to hear from God

Bishop Martyn and Bishop Guli have called the Diocese of Leicester to prayer as part of the Shaped By God Together process. But how do we listen to God and hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church?

On 5 November, 10am to 4pm, join David Newman and Chris Webb for a day of teaching and experience at Launde Abbey as we explore together how to listen to God. There will be biblical reflections and teaching about prayer and about how we can hear God’s voice today. There will also be time and space to experience silence and listening, and an opportunity to share our experiences with one another. And all this in the surroundings of Launde: the beautiful buildings; the glorious countryside; and the warm hospitality of the Abbey.

Find out more here:

Church at Home – Harvest Festival

This is a recording of our Sunday Worship for our Church at Home congregation in Mountsorrel & Swithland recorded Sunday 27 September 2020.

This week we celebrate Harvest Festival and give thanks to God for his generous blessings to us. The service is led by our priest in charge, Revd Colin Resch. The preacher is Mrs Liz Resch. As always, we have omitted the hymns and worship songs from our recording to avoid any copyright issues.

NHS Covid-19 App for Test & Trace

From this coming Sunday – 27 September – you will be able to check in to our Churches using the NHS COVID-19 APP. When you arrive at either Christ Church or St Peter’s Church, use the scan facility on the app to scan the QR code at the entrance. There will be no need to complete a paper test & trace form. If you don’t have access to a smartphone or the app, you will still be required to complete the test and trace form.

For more information on the NHS COVID-19 app, visit

Church at Home – Sunday 20 September 2020

Here is the recording of this morning’s Sunday Worship for our Church at Home congregation in Mountsorrel & Swithland. The service is led by Mrs Liz Resch and our speakers today are the Bishop of Leicester (The Rt Revd Martyn Snow) & the Bishop of Loughborough (The Rt Revd Guli Francis-Dehqani). As always, the hymns have been omitted to ensure we don’t have any copyright issues. Enjoy.

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