Church at Home – 15 November 2020
Here is today’s Church at Home service of Sunday Worship for our Mountsorrel and Swithland Church congregations. The service is led by Mrs Olga Harris, the preacher is Mr Gary Lee.
The United Benefice of Mountsorrel Christ Church & Mountsorrel St Peter
Here is today’s Church at Home service of Sunday Worship for our Mountsorrel and Swithland Church congregations. The service is led by Mrs Olga Harris, the preacher is Mr Gary Lee.
This is a recording of our Sunday Worship for Remembrance Sunday including an Act of Remembrance and two minutes silence.
The service is led by Mr Peter Hodson, the Act of Remembrance is led by Revd Colin Resch who is also the preacher for this service.
Here is today’s recording of our Sunday Worship for All Saints Day with the Church at Home Zoom congregation of Mountsorrel & Swithland Churches. The hymns and worship songs sung during the service have been omitted from the recording for copyright reasons.
We are delighted to bring you a recording of today’s service for our Church at Home congregation in Mountsorrel & Swithland. The service is led by Miss Sarah Resch and the preacher is Mrs Helen Hodson. As always, to avoid any copyright issues, we have omitted our hymns from the recording.
I am pleased to let you know that the November edition of our Church News for Mountsorrel has just been published and is available to view here on our website at If you would like a paper copy, you can pick one up in our Churches or leave me a message on 0116 429 9946 and I will put one in the post to you.
I would particularly like to highlight that details of our All Souls service for 1st November and a quiz night for 14th November are detailed in the newsletter along with notice about how the Christ Church Christmas Tree Festival will be going online this year.
I hope you enjoy reading the Church News.
Here is the latest update from Bishop Martyn about the Shaped By God Together process. I hope you find it helpful and informative.
Here is this morning’s recording of our Sunday Worship for our Mountsorrel & Swithland Church at Home congregation. The service is led by Mr Edmund Stacey and the preacher is Revd Darren Walker. The hymns sung during our worship have been omitted from the recording because of copyright issues. Nevertheless, we hope you enjoy worshipping with us in this way.
Congratulations to Ian Evans & David Bird who were elected as Churchwardens at Thursday evening’s Annual Meeting. Revd Colin said, “Both Ian & David have served as churchwardens for a number of years and I am delighted that they have agreed to continue in this role with the support of Mountsorrel parishioners.”
On the same evening, Mrs Val Doyle and Mrs Denni Christie were elected as members of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) to serve for three years.
Other appointments made on the evening include:
A moment of quiet was held in remembrance of church members who were unable to be present either through sickness and ill health or for any other reason. Words of thanks were expressed to all who had maintained the life and ministry of St Peter’s Church throughout 2019 and into this turbulent year; and prayers were offered for the future work and ministry of the parish. Copies of the annual report are still available on this website for those who would like to read it.
Congratulations to Peter Hodson & Veronica Liquorish who were elected as Churchwardens at Wednesday evening’s Annual Meeting. Revd Colin said, “Both Peter and Veronica have served as churchwardens for a number of years and I am delighted that they have agreed to continue in this role with the support of Mountsorrel parishioners.”
On the same evening, Mrs Margaret Hampson & Mr Joe Hampson were re-elected as members of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) to serve for three years.
Other appointments made on the evening include:
A moment of quiet was held and prayers said in remembrance of church members who had died since the last annual meeting. Words of thanks were expressed to all who had maintained the life and ministry of Christ Church throughout 2019 and into this turbulent year; and prayers were offered for the future work and ministry of the parish. Copies of the annual report are still available on this website for those who would like to read it.
Like many other charities and organisations, the finances of Christ Church have suffered a big hit during the Covid-19 pandemic. We are calling on our church members to pray and consider their giving on Saturday 17 October 2020. Further details including a link to a page of prayer pointers and scriptures for reflection can be found at