It’s Meeting Time Again!

That’s right. It’s time for our annual meetings.

Christ Church will be holding its annual meeting on Tuesday 20th April 2021. Due to Covid-19 restrictions the meeting will be held online. The agenda and our Annual report along with details of how to join the meeting are available on this link: christ-church-apcm/

St Peter’s Church will be holding its annual meeting on Tuesday 27th April 2021. Due to Covid-19 restrictions the meeting will be held online. The agenda and our Annual Report along with details of how to join the meeting are available on this link: st-peters-apcm/

Sunday Worship – 27 December 2020

This is a recording of this morning’s Sunday Worship for our Church at Home congregation.In this service, Revd Colin Resch takes a brief look back at 2020 and reflects on how we might remain close to Jesus as we move into 2021. The sung worship has been removed from the recording to avoid any copyright issues.

Mountsorrel Christmas Sing-a-long

We are not able to have our usual Sing-a-long in the pubs of Mountsorrel this year, so we would love you to join us on Zoom for a special evening of Christmas music. We are delighted to have some live music provided for us by Mr John Strange on piano. We will also be including all of the usual Christmas festive music.

This is a free event but you will need to provide your own drinks and nibbles. The evening will be on Thursday 17 December starting at 7.30pm. To join in, please visit and enter the Meeting ID: 828-7061-9201 and Passcode: 916449 when prompted to do so.

Church at Home – 6 December 2020

Here is the recording of our Sunday Worship with the Church at Home congregation of Mountsorrel & Swithland. The service is led by Mr Edmund Stacey and the preacher is Revd Colin Resch. Some of the hymns sung during our worship have been omitted for copyright reasons.
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