Youth Worker Vacancy

The position of Youth Worker is a new role being created in the Benefice to help focus the mission and evangelism of our parishes in such a way as to increase the number of young people coming to faith and joining the Church.

You will work closely with the incumbent and ministry team sharing the oversight of ministry to young people and their families within the local community, and our Church family. It is expected that you will become a worshipping member of our Church community.

This pioneering youth work post will build on the foundation work achieved by our two children and families’ workers who have in post for three years. You will be an integral part of our ministry team and have the opportunity to work alongside the Mountsorrel Parish Council funded Youth Work project and the staff and pupils of the nearby secondary school.

How to apply for the job
Visit our vacancies page and download the job description, person specification and application form then follow the instructions to email or post your completed application form to the address shown on the form before the deadline of 5pm on Thursday 21st April.

Shaped By God Together – an update

Following the feedback given by our parishes and those across the Diocese of Leicester, the Diocesan Synod will be meeting on Saturday 9 October to vote on the way forward. You can find out more about the proposals to be put to synod in this short vido presented by Bishop Martyn. I would ask you to pray for our synod members as they meet.

Sunday Worship livestream

This Sunday, 8 August, there are services of worship at both of our Churches. For those who are unable to join us in person, we will be livestreaming our worship from St Peter’s Church, Mountsorrel at 9.30am on our Youtube channel. Click the link below for access.

Church is changing…

 It is clear that the Church in our Diocese will be facing massive changes in the not too distant future. The proposed models of ministry will, depending on your personality type, either fill you with trepidation and anxiety or excitement and adventure. Either way, as you discover more about the proposals, like me you will probably have many questions. Find out more about the Shaped by God Together local conversations on our SBGT page:

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