An invitation for you…
Welcome to our website. We’d like to thank you for popping by and take this opportunity to invite you to join us for our public worship services in the coming days. They are open to all and all are welcome.
Our gathered worship is a key expression of our love for God and we believe that when we gather together, Jesus is with us and among us. This Sunday, 19th January falls during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (18 – 25 January), so we will be joining with the other churches in Mountsorrel for a united service of worship at Mountsorrel Baptist Church beginning at 10.30am. You will be most welcome to join with us – even if you’ve never been to our Church before.
There will be no service at Christ Church this week, but we still have something special at St Peter’s on Sunday afternoon and evening. At 4pm, we hold our very special Tea Time Church. A short service, of no more than half an hour, followed by a sandwich tea. Then, at 6pm, we gather again for Choral Evensong. The Bible readings for this service will be Isaiah 62.1-5 and 1 Corinthians 12.1-11. The service will be led by Revd Colin Resch, the preacher will be Mr Edmund Stacey.