An invitation for you…
Welcome to our website. We’d like to thank you for popping by and take this opportunity to invite you to join us for our public worship services in the coming days. They are open to all and all are welcome.
Sunday worship is a key expression of our love for God and we believe that when we gather together, Jesus is with us and among us. This coming weekend we have services in both of our churches and, even if you’ve never been before, you are sure to find a warm welcome.
Christ Church
We are holding our Christmas Tree Festival at Christ Church this weekend and we would be delighted to welcome you to Christ Church this coming Sunday (8 December) when we have a special service for all ages amongst the many Christmas trees led by our Youth Worker, Kat Jenkins. This service with tea and coffee available throughout begins at 11am. Just turn up a few minutes before and find a seat. If it’s your first time, someone will be available to help if you need it.
St Peter’s Church
At St Peter’s this Sunday (8 December) Revd Colin Resch will lead us in a service of Holy Communion – sharing of bread and wine in remembrance of Jesus sacrifice for us – that begins at 9.30am. Turn up a few minutes before and find a seat. The service will use the traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer and Bible readings from Philippians 1.3-11 & Luke 3.1-6.
Later in the afternoon, at 4pm, will be our Senior Sunday tea. A short half-hour service of hymns, prayers and scripture followed by a sandwich tea. This service is especially for over sixties and you would be most welcome if you think you qualify.
Carol Service Amongst the Trees
To finish off our Christmas Tree Festival, there will be a special carol service. The service will include some traditional carols, Bible readings, poems, videos and time for reflection. It will be followed by refreshments served in the Bower Room and a final opportunity to view the trees. All are welcome to join us. There’s no charge but donations towards the work of the Church are welcome.