Holy Communion

Join us at St Peter’s for a special service to mark The Annunciation – the visit of the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary.

Our service will be one of Holy Communion using liturgy from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. This traditional service includes hymns that will be led by a small choir. Whether you are new to Church or have been attending for many years, you will find that the words and music draw you close to the living God in worship and adoration. During the service, you will be given the opportunity to receive the sign of the cross marked on your forehead with ash as a sign of penitence.

After the conclusion of our service, do stay to join us for tea and coffee served in the Antill Vestry at the back of Church when you will have the opportunity to chat to other members of the congregation and make new friends.

Choral Evensong

Join us at St Peter’s for a service of Evening Prayer (Evensong) using liturgy from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. This traditional service includes hymns that are usually led by a small choir. Whether you are new to Church or have been attending for many years, you will find that the words and music draw you close to the living God in worship and adoration.

After the conclusion of our service, do stay to join us for tea and coffee served in the Antill Vestry at the back of Church when you will have the opportunity to chat to other members of the congregation and make new friends.

PCC Meeting

A meeting of the PCC of St Peter’s Church will take place this evening in The Antill Vestry at St Peter’s Church.


Join us at St Peter’s for a service of Morning Prayer (Matins) using liturgy from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. This traditional service includes hymns that are usually led by a small choir. Whether you are new to Church or have been attending for many years, you will find that the words and music draw you close to the living God in worship and adoration.

After the conclusion of our service, do stay to join us for tea and coffee served in the Antill Vestry at the back of Church when you will have the opportunity to chat to other members of the congregation and make new friends.

Holy Communion

Today we mark Palm Sunday and remember the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem – humble and riding on a donkey.

Join us at St Peter’s for a service of Holy Communion using liturgy from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. This traditional service includes hymns that are usually led by a small choir. Whether you are new to Church or have been attending for many years, you will find that the words and music draw you close to the living God in worship and adoration.

After the conclusion of our service, do stay to join us for tea and coffee served in the Antill Vestry at the back of Church when you will have the opportunity to chat to other members of the congregation and make new friends.

Senior Sunday

Living in Mountsorrel, over 60 and on your own? You are invited to join us for our ‘Senior Sunday’ worship and tea service.

At 4pm on the second Sunday of each month, we hold a special service at St Peter’s Church lasting no more than half an hour. This is followed by afternoon tea of sandwiches and cakes served in the vestry. Join in with the topical chatter and meet some new friends.

We’d love to see you if you can make it. If you need a lift, please call and we’ll do what we can to get you a lift.

Good Friday Family Worship

Join us at St Peter’s for our Good Friday Family Worship including story, prayer activity, singing, and creating our Easter Garden together.

The short service will be followed by refreshments with Hot Cross Buns.

All Welcome.

An Hour Before The Cross

Join us at St Peter’s for a service of Bible Readings and Silence as we journey again with Jesus Christ the final hours of his passion. The readings and prayers are intersperced with times of silence to allow time for reflection and personal prayer.

This wonderful time together reminds us of the sacrifice that Jesus made through his suffering and death on the cross. The service concludes in silence and the congregation are invited to dwell in that place for as long as they desire.

Holy Communion

Today is Easter Sunday and we remember Christ, risen from the dead.
Alleluia! Christ is risen.

Join us at St Peter’s for a service of Holy Communion using liturgy from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. This traditional service includes hymns that are usually led by a small choir. Whether you are new to Church or have been attending for many years, you will find that the words and music draw you close to the living God in worship and adoration.

After the conclusion of our service, do stay to join us for tea and coffee served in the Antill Vestry at the back of Church when you will have the opportunity to chat to other members of the congregation and make new friends.

Choral Evensong

Join us at St Peter’s for a service of Evening Prayer (Evensong) using liturgy from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. This traditional service includes hymns that are usually led by a small choir. Whether you are new to Church or have been attending for many years, you will find that the words and music draw you close to the living God in worship and adoration.

After the conclusion of our service, do stay to join us for tea and coffee served in the Antill Vestry at the back of Church when you will have the opportunity to chat to other members of the congregation and make new friends.

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