Morning Prayer

Join us at 9am in Christ Church for a short service of Morning Prayer. This service will also be available on zoom for those unable to join us in person.

Go to, download the app and enter the Meeting ID: 786 8201 8817 and Password: 032244 when prompted.

Morning Prayer

Join us at 9am in Christ Church for a short service of Morning Prayer. This service will also be available on zoom for those unable to join us in person.

Go to, download the app and enter the Meeting ID: 786 8201 8817 and Password: 032244 when prompted.

The Gap – After School Club

Come to The Gap. An after-school club open to everyone with school aged children meeting every Wednesday during term time.

Children aged 10 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Those aged 11 and over can come without an adult, but must have a permission form filled in and signed by a parent/carer.

We open the doors at 3pm for a game whilst we wait for others to arrive and then at 3.30pm there’s drinks and snacks followed by games, crafts, story and reflection. Every three or four weeks we hold a short all age service using crafts, thoughts and reflections that we have come up with during thye past weeks followed by a sit-down meal together.

Rooted – Youth Discipleship Group

Our Youth Discipleship group is for young people who are wanting to start to get to know God and explore the Bible in a reflective and creative way. We work through the Rooted Journal together giving our young people the opportunity to explore issues around identity, purpose, self-worth, wellbeing and healthy choices. It is a great introduction to discipleship and offers the opportunity to ask questions about faith, God and the church.

To find out more, contact our Youth Worker Kat by completing the form below.

Morning Prayer

Join us at 9am in Christ Church for a short service of Morning Prayer. This service will also be available on zoom for those unable to join us in person.

Go to, download the app and enter the Meeting ID: 786 8201 8817 and Password: 032244 when prompted.

Morning Prayer

Join us at 9am in Christ Church for a short service of Morning Prayer. This service will also be available on zoom for those unable to join us in person.

Go to, download the app and enter the Meeting ID: 786 8201 8817 and Password: 032244 when prompted.

Coffee Morning

Drop in to our weekly coffee morning every Friday at Christ Church from 10am – 12noon. Come for half an hour; come for the whole two hours – we don’t mind. You will be assured of a very warm welcome, home-made cakes, and the opportunity to meet and make new friends.

We are a designated Place of Welcome so if you are looking for some company, do pop along one Friday and join the fun.

Sunday Worship

Join us at Christ Church for Sunday Worship each week at 11am.

Our service today is led by our fabulous children and families team and is especially suitable for people of all ages. You can be assured of a warm welcome whether you are new to our Church or if you’ve been coming along since… well, for ever. We offer a blend of modern worship that we think you will enjoy. Come on your own, with a friend or with your family. Parents, bring your children; children, bring your grown-ups.

If you’re new to Church, just let someone know when you arrive and we will guide you through the service and answer any questions you might have. There’s always good coffee on hand (other drinks are available) and a biscuit or two. So do come and join us.

Morning Prayer

Join us at 9am in Christ Church for a short service of Morning Prayer. This service will also be available on zoom for those unable to join us in person.

Go to, download the app and enter the Meeting ID: 786 8201 8817 and Password: 032244 when prompted.

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