Vocations Day

Being called by God doesn’t always lead to ordained ministry. There are so many ways to live out your faith in the life and mission of the church and wider community. If you feel God’s calling you to be or do something, then you might find an answer at the Diocese of Leicester’s forthcoming Vocations Day.

Exploring Calling For Everyone is the chance to think about how God calls us to live out our faith, to recognise our gifts, and to meet others from across the diocese serving their church and communities in a variety of ways.
Seminars throughout the day include caring for our buildings, leading worship, working with children and young people, helping others to deepen their faith, pastoral care, sharing faith, social action and caring for creation.

Revd Liz Rawlings, diocesan Discipleship and Vocations Enabler, says: “We are each called to be ‘salt and light’ in the world, to be bearers of the grace of God in the places and among the people we find ourselves.
“This day gives us the space to reflect on the opportunities and gifts we have to do this, a place where we can be inspired by others who are living their faith in a myriad of different ways and the opportunity to explore how God may be guiding us in our own unique calling.”

Exploring Calling For Everyone takes place on Saturday 10 February, 10am to 3pm, at St Martins House, Leicester.
Click here for more information

Bell Ringing Suspended

Unfortunately, due to a broken stay on one of the bells, there will be no bell ringing at St Peter’s Church until further notice. We are sorry for the disappointment. Our team are working on fixing the issue and getting us back to normal as soon as possible.

Bugs and Hedgehogs find a home

It was a great afternoon at Muddy Church on Saturday 14 October. We read from scripture that God entrusted us with care of the environment so, as well as joining in with all of the usual Muddy Church experiences such as singing a song, exploring nature and toasting marshmallows over the fire, we made a hedgehog house to leave in the orchard. We also made some fantastic bug hotels and ladybird palaces – some to leave in the orchard, some to take home. Hopefully we’ve done just a little bit to encourage some wildlife to thrive.

Babyloss Awareness

A special service with reflective prayers and music was held on Friday 13 October to mark Babyloss awareness week. Those attending remembered the babies that were taken too soon, either before, at or shortly after birth. Names were read out and those same names were written on hearts and hung on a tree next to candles that were lit in memory. Participants were able to take a candle home to light on Sunday evening – baby loss awareness day – as part of a wave of light. The service was carefully and thoughtfully crafted by Alison, one of our Children and Family workers. In the end, the service was led by Linda, another of our Children and Family workers because Alison was unable to be present due to ill health. Thank you both for your hard work.

Welcome to the Family

During our Morning Worship at Christ Church on Sunday 24 September, we welcomed Eddie into our Church family at his baptism service. The service was led by our Associate Minister, Mel Rowley; the preacher was Revd Colin Resch and we welcomed back into our Church Revd Darren Walker who performed the baptism.

Congratulations Kieran & Emily

It was a delight to welcome Kieran and Emily to St Peter’s Church on Saturday 23 September along with their family and friends. The wedding was a beautifully relaxed occasion with bride and groom surrounded by family and friends as they made their marriage vows to each other. The service was led by Revd Colin Resch, the organist was Mr John Strange. As the wedding march played at the end of the service, a band of eight bell ringers rang out the good news in celebration.

Congratulations Mr & Mrs Newbold.

Fun@4 BBQ

We are looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting some new ones at our annual BBQ. If it’s raining we will eat inside, but please bring chairs or a blanket to sit on. Garden games, meat and vegetarian burgers and sausages, a song, prayer and story. Do join us if you can.

May be an image of text that says "Messy Church Fun@4 is back! EMESSY Church Sunday 3rd September, 4pm at Christ Church Fun@4 BBQ Our annual Fun@4 and Youth@4 BBQ is held at our first Fun@4 of the school year. If you are regular at Fun@4 we hope to meet up with you again. If you have been to one of the activities during our Activity Week, or would just like to find out more about us, do come along to say hello."




Curry Night Finale

The final event of our Summer 23 Activity Week was a curry night in the gardens at St Peter’s. Two starters and three choices of curry were provided by Gurkha New Delhi for our Curry Buffet along with Pilau Rice and Naan Bread. A real treat for all of us to enjoy. The atmosphere was relaxed and convivial. New friendships were formed and old ones revisited. A very fitting end to a busy and enjoyable week.


Sunday evening saw us gather at St Peter’s Church for our service of Evening Prayer, usually known as Evensong. The service was led by Revd Colin and the preacher was our Associate Minister, Mel Rowley who spoke on the first Bible reading which was from Ruth, chapter one.

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