Mothering Sunday

Join us for worship at Christ Church this Sunday morning. Bring your mothers to Cafe Church.

We’ve got coffee & cake to treat you with and refreshing worship for all the family. The service begins at 11am. Refreshments available from 10.45am and available throughout the service. You can join in with different bits, or just sit back and relax as you enjoy a morning break in the company of some really good people.

Pancake Party

It is almost time for our Pancake Party. Shrove Tuesday is on 21st February and it’s the proper time for pancakes. Come and join us at Christ Church between 1.30pm and 3,30pm. Entry is free, but it would be really useful for us if you book tickets so we know you are coming. Donations towards the cost are welcome.  BOOK TICKETS

Ukraine Concert

A huge thank you to all who attended and supported our Concert for Ukraine. A varied programme of music and song including input from a Ukranian Church Choir all contributed to us raising £1000 for Ukranian relief charities.

Special thanks to all the performers who gave their time and talents completely free of charge including
Jennifer Partridge, Glenys Roberts, Michael Lessiter, John Strange and others.

Vigil for Ukraine

It was a cold evening, but still the people of Mountsorrel gathered on the green to hold a vigil for the people of Ukraine. The event which was organised by the Churches Together in Mountsorrel saw people gather for readings, real-life stories from the situation in Ukraine, silence and prayers. Candles were lit as a symbol of our prayers and Ukrainian flags were ‘planted’ on The Green as a symbol of our commitment to strive for peace.

Our grateful thanks go to the Parish Council for their permission to use The Green for this event and for permission to leave the flags planted as a reminder.

Youth Worker Vacancy

The position of Youth Worker is a new role being created in the Benefice to help focus the mission and evangelism of our parishes in such a way as to increase the number of young people coming to faith and joining the Church.

You will work closely with the incumbent and ministry team sharing the oversight of ministry to young people and their families within the local community, and our Church family. It is expected that you will become a worshipping member of our Church community.

This pioneering youth work post will build on the foundation work achieved by our two children and families’ workers who have in post for three years. You will be an integral part of our ministry team and have the opportunity to work alongside the Mountsorrel Parish Council funded Youth Work project and the staff and pupils of the nearby secondary school.

How to apply for the job
Visit our vacancies page and download the job description, person specification and application form then follow the instructions to email or post your completed application form to the address shown on the form before the deadline of 5pm on Thursday 21st April.

Mountsorrel Christmas Sing-a-long

We are not able to have our usual Sing-a-long in the pubs of Mountsorrel this year, so we would love you to join us on Zoom for a special evening of Christmas music. We are delighted to have some live music provided for us by Mr John Strange on piano. We will also be including all of the usual Christmas festive music.

This is a free event but you will need to provide your own drinks and nibbles. The evening will be on Thursday 17 December starting at 7.30pm. To join in, please visit and enter the Meeting ID: 828-7061-9201 and Passcode: 916449 when prompted to do so.

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